Prophet One Goes Berserk …Says He Can Give Gh¢5 To Every Person In Ashanti Region

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thumbTHE CONTROVERSIAL Man of God and Founder of the Ebenezer Miracle Prayer Centre, Prophet Ebenezer Adarkwah Yiadom, has once again boasted about his financial prowess, claiming that he can freely give GH 5 to every single individual in the Ashanti Region and it will not have any impact on his pocket.

Rev. Adarkwah Yiadom, popularly known as ‘Prophet One’, says his account won’t be affected if he decides to share money to every resident in the region, stressing that he does not need to earn money by selling ‘holy water’ to his congregation.

In yet another vituperative onslaught against his nemesis and longtime foe, Evangelist Akwasi Awuah, Prophet One, in his typical style, went berserk, using unprintable words against his colleague preacher.

In a renewal of hostilities between the two so called ‘Men of God’, Rev. Ebenezer rained curses on Evangelist Awuah, prophesying that he and his family would suffer a never-ending plague, which will result in an embarrassing death.

The attack follows recent accusations by Evangelist Awuah, during his radio programme on SIKA FM, that Prophet One and similar persons like him, were exploiting innocent congregants by selling to them powerless holy water.

It was also in connection with startling revelations by a former preacher, Prophet Elisha, aka Spiritual Bulldozer, who has now converted to Islam, that some pastors receive their supernatural powers from a spiritual god, known as Mahanta.

The tall list of beneficiary pastors had been circulating for several weeks, with shocking names of some key “men of God” who claim to be performing extraordinary miracles in the name of God, but in actual fact deriving their powers from Mahanta.

Following this revelation, Evangelist Awuah was said to have commented on the matter and directly scoffed the alleged affected pastors, an act that has opened old wounds between him and the Founder of the Ebenezer Miracle Worship Centre.

In a strong rebuttal through a 7-minute audio which has gone viral on social media, Prophet One described Evangelist Awuah as a mentally handicapped person whose place should be the Garden City Special School.

With moral support from his young pastors, an incensed Prophet Adrakwah, who was preaching on his radio station MERCURY FM said a sheep was even more beneficial than Akwasi Awuah.   Rev. Adarkwah also took strong exception to the attitude of the management of SIKA FM, more especially its General Manager, Sometymer Otuo Acheampong, whom he said he respected so much.

“I am very disappointed in Mr. Sometymer; he is someone I respect so much, I call and greet him on regular basis, so for him to have allowed such a stupid idiot like Akwasi Awuah to use his medium to insult me, pains me a lot,” he observed.

The controversial man of God said he had never had issues with staff of SIKA FM and wondered why they should do that, stressing if the station allowed Evangelist Awuah to launch such blistering attack on his personality, no one should blame him when he responds in equal measure.

“When someone sits on radio and insult you like this, people will not talk about it, but the moment you also respond, then they will tell you that you are a Man of God and must not speak like that,” Prophet One noted. Prophet One warned his colleague preacher that he would afflict him with a strange disease; a disease that will have no cure until he enters his grave.

“Akwasi Awuah will see his end; he will be afflicted with disease and suffer both physical and spiritual pain, I am Rev. Ebenezer Adarkwah Yiadom, I am telling you today, Akwasi Awuah, that you are stupid, a sheep.  Everyone will see your end here in Kumasi, you will see the power of God, ask radio presenters in Kumasi what I am capable of doing,” he ranted.

From Issah Alhassan, Kumasi, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0