Court Grants EOCO Order To Freeze Assets Of Menzgold And Other Related Companies

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Court Grants EOCO Order To Freeze Assets Of Menzgold And Other Related Companies

Economic and Organised Crime Office (EOCO) has secured a court order to freeze properties of Menzgold Ghana Limited’s as well as other associated companies.

In a press release signed by the Head of Public Affairs at EOCO, Jacqueline Avotri, the court order for the freezing of properties and assets of Menzgold Ghana Limited includes that of associated companies affiliated to the disgraced Menzgold CEO.

The associated companies which are stated in the news release are 7 in number, and they include; Menzgold Office Complex, Zylofon Art Complex, Brew Marketing Consult, Star Madrid Football Club, Zylofon Music and media company, Brew Energy Company Limited, G- Tech automobile service.

EOCO also listed two properties located at Trassaco Valley [Plot no. 315 and plot no. 337] as well as a plot of land near Oak Street at Trassaco Valley and an uncompleted residence and a 510 acre of land.

“By this news release, all employees of the affected companies, relatives and friends who are in possession of any of such properties are to surrender same by the authority of the high court to the Economic and Organized Crime Head Office and Regional Offices in their own interest. Failure to do so will constitute contempt of court which will attract the appropriate sanctions,” The statement read.

The press release also called on all employees of the affected companies, relatives and friends of the Menzgold CEO who have in their possession of any of the named properties to surrender all such assets to EOCO in their interest.

According to EOCO, failure to submit all of such properties will constitute a contempt of court and will attract the “appropriate sanctions”.

EOCO also entreated the general public to assist in the investigation process by approving any information they have to facilitate the retrieval of all vehicles and other properties belonging to any of the companies listed above.

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