Nigerian actress goes topless months after declaring she would act nude scenes

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93145325In an interview she did earlier this year, upcoming Nigerian actress, Chelsea Eze, stated that she would act nude if the money was right.

‘If the opportunity comes with a good story and the money is right, I can act nude. As long as it’s tastefully done, I am okay with it,’ she said.

Well, she finally proved to us that she was absolutely fine with showing her body when she released topless photos of herself to mark her birthday.

The photos, which pictured her dressed in nothing but a pair of briefs, were posted to her Instagram page, with the caption:

‘Super Thankful…. I am thankful for good health,I am thankful for my career, My friends and family, my fans,everyone who rides this Ship with me even those who are unbelievers, monitoring spirits I’m still thankful for y’all and I pray you ???#recievesense lol.Anyways it’s my birthday still.’

Happy birthday, Chelsea!

There ain’t nothing but a tiny piece of clothing between you and your dreams now., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0