If You Eat Garlic And Honey On An Empty Stomach For 7 Days, Here’s What Happens To Your Body…

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If-You-Eat-Garlic-and-Honey-On-an-Empty-Stomach-For-7-Days-This-Is-What-Happens-To-Your-Body (1)When it comes to cooking, garlic is one of my favourite ingredients. And it’s such a versatile ingredient that it can be used in almost any savoury dish! Roasted with some proteins, stir-fried in some vegetables, blended into a creamy pasta sauce…. the list goes on and on. Personally, I absolutely love the flavour and aroma of garlic so when a recipe calls for two cloves of garlic, I’ll somehow justify to myself that I really should be putting in five or six. And the best part is that I don’t feel too guilty about it because garlic is healthy!

Garlic can be used to help lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and prevent cancer, heart attacks, coronary heart disease, and atherosclerosis. This superfood can also be used to help treat the common cold, the flu, bug bites, fungal infections, and traveller’s diarrhoea. Garlic is great for strengthening your immune system while eliminating toxins, leading many people to consume it after chemotherapy.

But while I love cooked garlic, garlic in its raw form is apparently how you’re going to get the best results. This is because heating garlic has been shown to reduce its anticancer properties and inactivate a key enzyme called alliinase. What you’ll want to do to maximise the health benefits of garlic is to crush it up raw, releasing the enzymes that will break down into good organosulfur compounds, and then eat it on an empty stomach. But raw garlic is incredibly pungent, so try this…

Take 2-3 garlic cloves, chop up and crush them, and mix it with a tablespoon of honey (also healthy with anti-bacterial properties!). If you can consume it this way on a regular basis, it can go a long way in boosting your immune system!

Check out the video below to learn more about eating honey and garlic to help stay healthy!


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