Late-term abortion doctor can’t find any doctors willing to take over his facility

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doctorsIt appears that pro-life demonstrators are beginning to win the battle to save innocent lives of unborn children, because an ab0rtion!ist in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, who has practiced his trade for over 40 years, is having difficulty finding someone to take over when he retires.

The 71-year-old doctor, Dennis Christensen and his partner, Bernard Smith, are placing the blame for young doctors not wanting to get into the business of terminating fetuses on pro-life harassment.

Another reason the two businessmen might be having trouble handing over their profitable practice, Affiliated Medical Services (AMS), which is the only clinic in the state which perform terminations after 20 weeks, is because they are having trouble complying with state law.

The legislature, which was signed into law by Governor Scott Walker last year, requires that all termination practitioners have admitting privileges at local hospitals, in the event that something should go wrong with one of their procedures. However, after searching for a hospital within a 30-mile radius, Christensen has been unable to find one that will grant him that privilege, primarily because they claim that his facility does not meet hospital standards.

Christensen claims that he has not had to treat one of his patients at a hospital in over 10 years as proof that the law is not required in his case. He therefore filed a case, backed by Planned Parenthood, with U.S. District Judge William Conley to overturn the law.

Conley has blocked implementation of the law for AMS, until he renders a decision on the case, possibly as early as next summer.

Although Christensen claims that his facility has been operating in a professional manner and has not needed the emergency services of hospitals for his patients, there have been at least nine ambulance calls to his clinic since August 2010, according to Dan Miller, Milwaukee coordinator for 40 Days for Life.

Miller went on to say that there are also four women who will testify that they had to undergo full hysterectomies after receiving botched procedures at AMS. He added “Those hysterectomies all happened at area hospitals as these women were dumped off at the ER doors or left to find help themselves by clinic workers.”

Another termination facility owned by Christensen in Rockford, Illinois, was shut down in 2011 by Department of Public Health Inspectors for failure to keep a clean environment in operating rooms and surgical instruments that were found to be dirty and un-sanitized., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0