Tour Guides Receive Training

Tour Guides Receive Training

The Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) has trained 92 tour guides from the Volta and Eastern Regions as the drive towards making Ghana a preferred tourist destination intensifies.

They were helped to upgrade their competence in guests’ management at the three-day refresher course and awarded certificates.

Mr. Alex Nketia, Volta Regional Manager of the GTA, said the goal was to enhance their skills – to improve the performance.

He said the course formed part of government’s effort to transform the industry.

He expressed worry about rising child prostitution and charged the guides to be on the alert – to report any such incidents to the appropriate authorities.

Mr. Ashford Sammy Banibensu, National Secretary, Tour Guides Association of Ghana (TORGAG), reminded the participants to be professional at their places of work.

He asked them to explore and discover new sites of attraction to aid the expansion of the industry.

He also encouraged them to join the Regional Chapters of the Association.