Congratulatory Message To President Vladimir Putin On 75th Anniversary Of End Of The Second World War

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Congratulatory Message To President Vladimir Putin On 75th Anniversary Of End Of The Second World War


On the occasion of the end of the Second World War in 1945, seventy-five years ago, we, of the Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity (HCIF-PFS) wish to congratulate President Vladimir Putin and people of Russia, as well as members-states of former United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) for the courageous leadership and thank all Chiefs of Defence outfit, though they may not physically been alive to witness this occasion, who raised the USSR’s flag with deep commitment and self-sacrifice.

We offer our deepest sympathies to those who laid their lives in battle and those innocent civilians killed or trapped in war. It is on record that the USSR made far the biggest sacrifices in defeating the obnoxious Nazis. It is estimated that about 27 million citizens of the former Soviet Union lost their lives in the Second World War, but attempts by some governments to bury these historic facts under the carpet is disturbing.

For many years now, the role of the USSR in destroying the evil Nazis has been hidden from public in the West; while everyone is forced to believe that only six million Jews were killed in the holocaust campaign.

In a sense we could say that the battle to defeat the Nazis criminals has ended 75 years ago. That is a big mistake, if not a fallacy. The war will end only on the day that we all accept the significant of the USSR’s role in destroying the Nazis enclave. We have to realize the fact that the history of the Second World is incomplete if the successes chalked by the powerful and no-nonsense USSR army in saving the freeing the world from the Nazis genocide and criminal campaign against humanity.

Had the West worked with the USSR in the 1930s to contain Adolf Hitler, the Second World War would have been averted. It is unfortunate that the West cannot pay tribute to all those who lost their lives, particularly the 27 million Soviet citizens, in the war, but instead opts to bury historical facts. Former US president

Franklin Delano Roosevelt may be a disappointed man in his grave. The former US President had this to say in 1943: ‘The world has never seen greater devotion, determination, and self-sacrifice than have been displayed by the Russian people and their armies…. With a nation which in saving itself is thereby helping to save all the world from the Nazi menace, this country of ours should always be glad to be a good neighbor and a sincere friend in the world of the future.’

It is imperative that the West should regard the USSR as the biggest contributor to save succeeding generations from the heinous crime of the Nazis enclave. With President Vladimir Putin at the helm of affairs in Russia today, the world has become a safe place for humankind. The West should have the humility and wisdom to learn from the experience of the USSR. Let us always remember that united we will flourish but divided we will be defeated by the current wave of terrorism in the world.

Viva President Vladimir Putin!
Viva Russia Federation!!
Viva USSR!!!
Alimamy Bakarr SANKOH
Consular-General and President of the Governing Council

Hugo Chavez International Foundation for Peace, Friendship and Solidarity

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