Home General News Wassa Fiase Manhene Calls For Justice And Seeks Reinstatement

Wassa Fiase Manhene Calls For Justice And Seeks Reinstatement

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Wassa Fiase Manhene Calls For Justice And Seeks Reinstatement

The Paramount Chief of Wassa Fiase Traditional Council, Odeneho Akrofa Krukokor II, Wassa Fiase Manhene has made a passionate appeal to president Akufo-Addo and Kofi Dzamesi, Chieftaincy Minister to as a matter of urgency reinstate him (Fiase Manhene).

Consequently, he has given a one month ultimatum for his reinstatement.

Addressing the media in a durbar at Benso in the Western Region today, he pointed out a minor chieftaincy dispute that rocked the area led to the cancellation of his name as a member of the National House of Chiefs.

To him, that led to a legal tussle but the Supreme Court has ruled in his favour as the legitimate head of the Fiase Traditional Area.

Odeneho Akrofa Krukoko II mentioned that the happenings has retarded and robbed the area of development.

As a result, he is calling on government to revive the Bonsa Tyre Factory, Aboso Glass factory to provide job opportunities for the youth , as well as well construct health facilities and a police station in the area.

“I am appealing to Nana Addo, l know he is a listening president; to as early as possible reinstate me to the National House of Chiefs.

“My rights have been abused for long, it’s high time the Chieftaincy Ministry took a critical look at what is happening in Wassa.”

The Wassa Fiase Manhene, who rubbished his death rumour was installed in June 1994.

He added “My name was gazetted as Paramount Chief of Wassa in 1996. I demand my name to be reinstated to the National House of Chiefs as soon as practicable.”

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