6 Signs You Need A Job Change Now!

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Photo credit- iStock

1.Your job impacts your mood even after work

The level of your happiness elevates on weekends considering the environment of your workplace. If your boss perceives you as a partner and if you believe working in a trusted environment is necessary, then your happiness increases exponentially. On the contrary, if work conditions do not fulfill, then you might have a pretty low self-esteem which can affect your mood even during non-work hours.

To suss things out, ask your family and friends about your mood on the weekends. While occasional low points are to be expected, ask them whether or not your mood has seemed consistently sour. If so, it may be time for a change.

Sign #2. Professional development has plateaued

If you’re not dealing with new projects and are unable to learn anything new, then this might be the perfect time to resign. In an ever-changing era, it is imperative to learn new skills. This is essential for your long-term career.

Do not drain yourself over a job which doesn’t place importance on your goals – surviving and not adapting to change.

Be wary of investing in an organization that does not value skill enhancement. Discuss this with your manager and ask about working with different teams.

Sign #3. Being at the same job for more than 5 years but still not happy

Your tenure’s been over 5 years, yet, you are glad, ask yourself. Am I enhancing my skills, being challenged, or getting rewarded? Multinational companies have a perception that hopping jobs is a good sign. According to their chief officers, an employer builds his skills quicker when he shifts companies due to the learning sphere.

The learning sphere reaches to a next level frequently after 3 years. Job hoppers quicken their pace of learning, create better impressions and improve instantly since they know they have to hop to a new destination in a couple of years. These views were expressed by Penelope Trunk, an entrepreneur, and author.

Thus, whether you’re in search of new jobs or not, it is significant to frequently examine your skills and analyze that, have you become more competent than before or not. Any job should bring you positivity rather than any sort of negativity.

As an engineer at Apple describes the satisfaction in words which were, “Engineers at Apple get to make real contributions that will benefit tens or hundreds of millions of people every day. That’s awesome.”

Sign #4. You couldn’t adjust to the environment

Is your boss afraid of new marketing strategies? Your company doesn’t advertise itself and follows the same conventional office rules then it’s just for you to shift to a better place. Change is like thirst. It needs to be filled with time.

If your company isn’t a changing one then it will never make an impact on your career and on your reputation. Recently, Cambridge University, founded in 1209, enabled Dropbox for the synchronization and changes of records. Thus giving the academic staff independence from traditional methods of file sharing. If such an old university considered change vital, then even your office should.

Sign #5. You are not satisfied with the earning

For any organization, it is important to keep track of their financial growth. Obviously, you will not receive a 15% hike after the 6 months of your job, but if it does not reach there after a year then look for another company or talk to your boss.

Matters even get worse when your less experienced colleagues are given salary increments while you are unquestioned. Talking about salary raise needs a lot of confidence. Keep your facts and figures strong and explain why you are deserving of an increased salary.

Sign #6. There are health declines due to job hassles

If your job drains your muscles, it’s time to evaluate whether you should you continue or not. Health over everything, keep this fixed somewhere in your brain. There’s no job, business, work which is worth risking over your physical health. No matter how much figures are there on your paycheck, they can never be near to the worth of your health.

The survey report by CareerBuilder shows, Almost half of the US citizens have gained weight at their current jobs and most of them pointed out stress as the cause.

Again, we are at the part of discussing matters with your manager. Talk about the stress you handle and persuade them to lighten your workload. Go for a vacation, or if not possible, then work for a restricted amount of time. If nothing’s coming out, the time has come for a job which syncs with your body. Do what your body requires and give care to it the most.

Resigning from any job is not a piece of cake. It’s your bread and butter, so make the choice wisely. Think about it for a hundred times and examine, analyze and prepare for all the possible outcomes, whether bad or good. Choose a workstation, which challenges you, supports you, values you and makes you, you. This will be a job that will remain an integral part of your life.