40-Day Prayer Schedule For Ghana’s Election 2016–29th October – December 7th

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“Jesus set the perfect example of obedience in prayer. Although His day was filled from morning to night with many pressures and responsibilities – addressing crowds, healing the sick, granting private interviews, travelling and training His disciples, He made prayer a top priority. If Jesus was so dependent upon this fellowship in prayer alone with His Father, how much more you and I should spend time alone with God.” – Bill Bright

Concerning our dear nation Ghana, during the next 40 days of prayer beginning 29th October 2016, AFReG-Ghana encourages all to intercede and pray for the coming elections. This is an absolute priority assignment given to the church. As we pray God works!

Please forward these prayer items to others and encourage your church or organization to use them to pray for the December 2016 elections. God bless you.

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” 1 John 5:14, 15 “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us – whatever we ask we know that we have what we ask of him.

Day 1 Saturday October 29 Please pray for your own readiness and the burden to commit yourself to consistently pray throughout this 40-day period for Ghana. Pray for commitment to spend time in God’s presence to pray for Ghana’s election.
Day 2 Sunday October 30 (Hebrews 4:16).” Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.” Pray and ask God to strengthen your faith and to give you the confidence in offering believing prayer to God for Him to intervene in the December election.
Day 3 Monday October 31 Please ask God to cleanse you from all sin and all unrighteousness, mention any unconfessed sin in your life to God in order to receive His forgiveness and cleansing (1 John 1:8,9) as you stand in for Ghana as an intercessor. Please ask the Lord to give you a resolute heart to pray continually and sincerely.
  • National Confession
Day 4 Tuesday November 1 Please ask God’s forgiveness as a nation in our unhealthy party political competition and rivalry, our political affiliations based on trivialities instead of substantive issues. Our insensitivity to the beautiful environment God has given us and our poor waste disposal attitude.
Day 5 Wednesday November 2 Please ask God to forgive us as a nation for our lack of political commitment to deal with corruption, our lack of love for Him, our insincerity; corruption in public office and private business daily dealings and poor work attitude. Thank God for the hard working farmers. We celebrate them for their hard work!
Day 6 Thursday Nov 3 Please ask God to forgive us our idolatry, ritual murders, demonic covenants, cheating and hypocrisy as many profess to be Christian but are also involved in some idolatrous practices
Day 7 Friday November 4 Praise God for the great country of Ghana. He is making ‘our nation great and strong.’ Thank God you are a Ghanaian. He made you a Ghanaian of all the nations in the world. By virtue of your prayer for Ghana, you are a watchman for Ghana. (Ezekiel 33)
Day 8 Saturday November 5 Praise God for the natural resources of Ghana- Vegetation, rich productive land, rivers (some of which generate power), solid minerals deposits, and oil discovery in the Gulf of Guinea. Praise God for the human resources and party politics in Ghana.
Day 9 Sunday Nov 6 Praise God for our political leaders, political traditions and parties since independence and even for those He allowed to colonize us. Thank God for democracy and the freedom of the press in Ghana. We have become beacon of hope for democracy to thrive in Africa.
  • Election 2016 Requests.
Day 10 Monday Nov 7 Pray for grace, strength, wisdom and alertness for the Electoral Commission to handle the elections successfully. Pray specifically for the chairman of the Electoral Commission of Ghana.
Day 11 Tuesday Nov 8 Please Pray for regional Electoral Commission in the 10 regions of Ghana. Please ask God to help them make all preparations for every person who has registered to vote and that all will be given the opportunity to cast their vote. That none will be disenfranchised.
Day 12 Wednesday November 9 Ask God to help us and our political leaders live and emphasize our national core values – Freedom, Justice and God-centeredness. Pray that our nation will not deviate from biblical values and principles that build a nation.
Day 13 Thursday November 10 Pray for Ghanaians as we prepare for election 2016. Ask God to guide the process of choosing His leaders for Ghana and that the election would be free, fair and peaceful. Pray that corrupt officials who distort justice would not be voted into power.
Day 14 Friday November 11 Please pray against cheating and violence by political parties during the preparation, campaign period and voting. Pray for the neutrality of Electoral Commission, polling agents and security personnel directly and indirectly responsible for the elections.
Day 15 Saturday November 12 Pray that the Electoral Commission would maintain a very high standard of integrity and independence, not influenced externally by anything but do the right thing.
Day 16 Sunday November 13 God will bring the full force of His wrath against His enemies, the embodiment of wickedness who foment trouble. Please ask God to give strength to the Church to pray fervently for the elections without getting weak or tired. Pray against all evil forces standing in opposition against a smooth and credible election.
Day 17 Monday November 14 Pray for our religious and political leaders to speak out boldly on issues of national interest and reject wrong doing especially on the coming elections.
Day 18 Tuesday November 15 Pray for faith to know that with God all things are possible. That He will actively influence the outcome of the 2016 elections in Ghana in response to your faith and prayer.
Day 19 Wednesday November 16 Pray that the government and the state security apparatus will provide a level playing field for all political parties without fear or favour.
Day 20 Thursday November 17 Pray for decorum, use of polite non-aggressive behavior and language by politicians and political activists.
Day 21 Friday November 18 Please pray for the political parties by name. Thank God for their formation and leadership.

Pray that holiness and righteous living will reign in the Church; Christians would be committed to move God’s kingdom business with utmost seriousness (Matthew 6:33).

Day 22 Saturday November 19 Pray for the pulling down of strongholds and dark powers that some politicians consult as they seek political office. Pray against forces that rule each village, town and city. (Ephesians 6:12)
Day 23 Sunday November 20 Pray that God will cause the Church in Ghana to consistently and sincerely pray for the right government and officials in power, instead of grumbling and criticizing. (Isaiah 56:7).
Day 24 Monday November 21 The Bible commands intercession and prayer for everyone especially governmental leaders. This is an absolute priority assignment given to the church. Kindly pray that church would take this role seriously.
Day 25 Tuesday November 22 Please pray for safety as politicians and political activists’ criss-cross the country marketing their message and mobilizing support for their party. Pray against accidents. Pray against crime, misconduct and election mal- practices during and after the elections.
Day 26 Wednesday November 23 Pray for the youth not to allow themselves to be used for any form of violence whatsoever. Also pray for stronger determination. among the youth to work hard in promoting peace in this election period.

Please pray for wisdom and insight for political parties to come up with policies that are in the best interest of Ghanaians and not just promises to woo voters.

Day 27 Thursday November 24 Please pray the Church in Ghana will be actively involved in the coming elections. Like it happened during Moses’ time, the prophet and apostles in the Land who have received the patterns of God concerning the nation and the end-time Church, pray every Christian will be actively involved. (Deuteronomy 1:3).
Day 28 Friday November 25 Revival is the sovereign work of God in answer to sincere prevailing prayer. Pray that the Church in Ghana will be sincere, fervent and expectant in praying for a spiritual revival in the church, a revival in the interest of serious Christians in party politics. If we do not care, others will take decisions that will affect us.
Day 29 Saturday November 26 Beseech the LORD to give us the right leadership during the elections, who will do what His heart and mind tells them to do for the nation in response to the prayers of the Church. (1 Samuel 2:35)
Day 30 Sunday November 27 Pray for the removal from positions of authority all who gained their positions through demonic covenants; all ritual murderers, immoral, indiscipline, corrupt, etc and that they would be replaced with godly people. (Deuteronomy 17:14-20).
Day 31 Monday November 28 Please pray that the media will be used to inform, educate, unify and promote peace and not a tool for division, confusion, chaos and confrontation. Please pray for the media houses by name.
Day 32 Tuesday November 29 Ask God to lay the desire to see a transformed society on the hearts of Ghanaians and that this desire will influence their voting decision. Ask God to use the media to spread and deepen a desire for a transformed society, deepen democracy, and grant us the grace to be willing to change towards desired outcomes.
Day 33 Wednesday November 30 Beseech the LORD for a sustained revival of the Church in Ghana. Please pray that committed Christians will not shy away from party politics because they consider it “dirty” but rather be actively involved at all levels.
Day 34 Thursday December 1 Please pray the media would be fair and accurate in their reporting, and that the state media would be fair in carrying the message of all political parties. Please ask God to revive Christians to the challenges facing the nation, revive us to pray, lead us in the voting process for our nation as we get ready to vote on our future and destiny.
Day 35 Friday December 2 Pray for patience for security agencies to maintain peace at the various polling stations and that no incidences of violence will be reported. Please ask God to help them plan adequately for the elections and to receive necessary logistics from government for all operations necessary for a smooth voting.
Day 36 Saturday December 3 Pray for smooth leadership transition from the present government to the party that will be elected on December 7. Pray that the confusion characterized by previous transitions will not happen this time.
Day 37 Sunday December 4 Pray that God will supernaturally guide the winning party to choose the right ministers who will serve their people and frown on dishonest gain.
Day 38 Monday December 5 Pray for prompt delivery of voting materials to polling stations, for all preparations for the polls to be without difficulty.
Day 39 Tuesday December 6 Pray for the last minute arrangements for the voting process tomorrow. That nothing would fall between the cracks in the arrangements. That there will be a calm atmosphere.
Day 40 Wednesday December 7 Please ask God to supernaturally guide the voting process according to His plan and purpose for Ghana. Ask Him to choose the leaders He wants. Pray for a very peaceful mature voting process today at all polling stations.

Please continue to pray for the collation of results, the declaration of the winning candidates and party; pray for a moderate celebration for the winning party (parties) and continue to pray for a new government. Praise God for the opportunity to pray and thank God for answering all our prayers. Praise the Lord!!

google.com, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0