Don’t Blame NAGRAT For Striking – Clement Apaak

Don't Blame NAGRAT For Striking  – Clement Apaak


Deputy Ranking Member on Parliament’s Education Committee, Dr. Clement Apaak has backed the National Association of Graduate Teachers’ (NAGRAT) decision to embark on a nationwide strike.

NAGRAT on Thursday declared a strike to among other things demand an end to undue delays in the setting up of promotional interviews for its members.

Speaking to Citi News, Dr Apaak described the teachers’ action as justified.

“I think that NAGRAT is justified in calling on its members to put down their tools. They made all efforts to try and get GES and the Ministry, and for that matter, government to address their concerns. While it is unfortunate and is likely to affect teaching and learning, you can’t blame NAGRAT for deciding that enough is enough. So I sympathize with NAGRAT’s position,” he stated.

The President of NAGRAT, Angel Carbonu at a press briefing on Thursday, called on their members who are in schools to vacate the classrooms until further notice.

He also asked GES to refund all deductions to the affected teachers or face their wrath.

Although the Education Ministry has revealed plans of re-engagement with officials of NAGRAT to put an end to this strike, the teachers’ association has vowed to keep on with the indefinite strike till they have solutions to their problems.

A few weeks ago, NAGRAT threatened a strike over the Ghana Education Service’s decision to deduct GHc10 as insurance from teachers’ salaries.